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This problem is so widespread that it has even given rise to a local saying: 'It's not easy for a male factory worker to find a job but a female worker cannot go without a boyfriend.' The culture of polyamorous relationships has given rise to another phenomenon - that of kept men. 'When it's the right age, all the girls go home and get married. Justifying his approach to dating, Xiao Lin says: 'Everyone is young, we can play for a few years. 'It would be too embarrassing for someone to have just one girlfriend. They're simple and easy to get along with, why not have several?'

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'Young and beautiful factory girls are everywhere. One man with several women is very normal.'

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Xiao Lin added: 'Several of my friends do it too. Those who come to make a life are all the same.' A man is seen holding hands with two women in Dongguan, as the picture published by Chinese media showsĪnother man, referred to as Xiao Lin, revealed that he also has three girlfriends.

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